Children arrive at my home, find their labelled peg and leave their belongings hanging in the porch.
They are then encouraged to wash their hands and choose what they would like for breakfast.
At this time, if we haven't already ventured out into our local environment, the children will be exploring the resources available in the playroom. With focus activities planned alongside free play, children will be able to explore together and utilise their turn taking and social skills.
Free flow into the garden will be available dependent on weather – we can just pop on wellie boots and coats when needed!
It's time for lunch!
Are we having Spaghetti Bolognese or slow cooked Chicken Curry? Don't forget the veggies and yummy pudding!
It's tiring being little explorers – after lunch your children will be able to have a rest or a sleep in our sleep room. With mattresses, blackout curtains and night lights I'm sure they'll be super comfy. Comforters and teddies are always welcome here!
Time for some afternoon activities! Unless we are going out on another adventure, your children will be choosing what they would like to do. This could be anything from splashing in muddy puddles at the Magna Carta , strengthening fine motor skills with playdough or baking yummy cookies to take home!
Time for tea!
I wonder if we will be making our own sandwiches or pizzas?
Wind down activities will be in full force. Your children will be encouraged to take part in stories and song times, drawing or more ourdoor play.
Time to say goodbye – we can't wait to see you tomorrow for some more adventures!
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